BGCT Announces Partnership with for Summer Program

February 27, 2014

A partnership between and the Boys & Girls Club of Troy will give participants in BGCT’s 2014 Summer Program an opportunity to participate in the Best STEM Camp Ever!
This eight-week course will allow members to investigate & explore the latest Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts through teamwork, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. 
Participants will enjoy the following four two-week programs:
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse: Scientific strategies for surviving the day-to-day realities in the new world controlled by the new race of zombies!
Superhero Science: Experimenting with and developing the designs and materials that make up superhero powers and uniforms-for example Iron Man, Storm, Spiderman, and Wolverine.
Math Carnival: Finding theoretical and experimental probabilities and solving mathematical problems through outdoor games and student competitions
Building a Better Mousetrap - Goldberg Style: Designing obstacle courses and investigating the engineering behind them using the inspiration from Rube Goldberg and the video "This Too Shall Pass” from Ok Go.
The Best STEM Camp Ever is $60 per child and can be purchased when signing up for the Summer Program. Online registration for the 2014 Boys & Girls Club of Troy Summer Program opens Monday, March 3 at 10 a.m. Links to the registration page will be activated on as well as the BGCT Facebook and Twitter pages.
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